Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Root Canal Heaven!

I know I know! thats not what you expect to hear when someone says root canal.. my point exactly! I told many people I was going to have to have a root canal and they all made this horrible face and told me the pain I was about to endure. Boy were they wrong! I was lucky though mine was caught by the dentist with xrays before I ever knew I had a problem. It wasn't infected or bothering me. I was however scared to death! He assured me it wouldn't hurt and he was right.. I only had some soreness after wards which was fixed with ibuprofren.

I was surprised when I came home to see pretty flowers and a card from Gordon and Jeff.. I guess I whined just a little too much before going to the dentist. I thought that was so sweet of them!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back to work!

I went back to work on Wednesday.. I didn't know how it'd be. I cried that morning feeding G. That did surprise me. It went better then I thought. It was nice to get out of the house and socialise with adults. Gordon was a good boy for his Daddy and I knew he was safe and well taken care of. Monday will be harder as I have to drive him to my Mums early in the morning and lug a bunch of stuff.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Zucchini Day!

Today was zucchini day here at our house. I was lucky to score some from a few of my friends.. 11 in total! I gave 2 away to my neighbor who was thrilled to get them. She was going to stuff them for dinner. I had a plan.. bake until I couldn't take it anymore! I was up early feeding Gordon so I just stayed up and got to baking, shredding and peeling!

So after standing for about 5 1/2 hours I baked about 14 loaves of zucchini bread. Some regular with cinnamon.. some with pineapple and also chocolate ones. Needless to say I am tired.. but I still have about 6 zucchinis left! I hope to bake more on the weekend and shred some up for the freezer to bake later. Gordon was great the entire time.. thankfully Jeff was home to help with him while I baked.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Just a regular morning here at the Howard house.. G woke up and ate a bottle.. took him forever he was 1/2 asleep. Now hes talking to his bouncy seat toys having a great time. I figure he will fall asleep again soon for a little morning nap and I hope to clean up and bake some banana bread.

Yesterday he took a little nap in his swing and tried to eat his lovie.. he is really starting to like it but always seems to want to chew on it. I think he is wanting to get teeth as hes chewing on his hands or anything else he can get in his mouth.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baby Einstein

I've been bad and haven't blogged everyday but I guess its a good thing as I probably won't have the time when I start work again. I might have to make a weekly blog at that point. Gordon has been watching his baby einstein tapes for the last few days and he just adores them. I can't get over how much he loves the tapes and he gets his legs moving and hes just so excited watching them. Heres a picture of him during his tapes.

We're just hanging around getting things done today while Jeff is home and I have to visit the dentist this afternoon.. EEK! I hate the dentist with a passion and I'm going to a new place which makes it worse.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Busy Saturday

Saturday was a busy day for all of us. Jeff had reserves and was up very early. Gordons grandparents were coming over so I had cleaned alot the day befor getting ready. We also went to Sams club to buy a sandwich ring and stopped by Babies r Us to pick up a few needed items. Gordon was good the entire time though.

We remember that Chick Fil A was having their grand opening nearby and I adore it so we headed on over. It was almost time for Gordon to eat so I went thru the drive thru. I saw all these kids coming out with balloons and a tiny cow stuffed animal on the end and I knew Gordon had to have one. I asked the girl handing out flyers and she went in and got us one. Here he is with his Chick Fil A cow.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rainy Day

Today is a rainy gloomy day here.. it started out nice and Jeff decided to take a run.. something he hardly does anymore. I was laughing when it started to down pour knowing he was gonna be all wet coming home. Thankfully though there wasn't lightening at the time. We just had to snap a picture of him all wet.

We did have a nice thing happen today. My friend Kelly from across the street and her little boy came over. Jacob is such a cutie and we hope that he and Gordon play together as they get older.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Guess who came to town?

Thats right.. the man himself.. Jeff Gordon. He was in town for the Vintage Car Show and appeared at the Waterfront. We saw it on the news and they said there was thousands of racing fans there. We decided it would be entirely too much for Gordon to go and just a mad scene so we chose to stay at home. My sisters boyfriend Mark however went and promised us pictures. We can't wait!
Heres Gordon today trying out his bumbo seat for the first time.. we still think he doesn't have enough neck control but wanted to give it a shot and see. He is also having some tummy time.. funny how he thinks his arm is his pacifier!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

A boy and his lovie

Heres Gordon with his lovie.. its new to him and I keep putting it in his arms. I think theres nothing cuter then a baby and their lovie. My mum says be careful what you wish for but I want him to have something to comfort him. He likes to bang on the bears head and make it jingle.
Not much going on here today.. I hope to get some good Dennys corn..its $5 a dozen but so very worth it. I also need to think of something for dinner. I find it impossible to think of new things.. its either. .pork, chicken or beef!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gordons 1st Luau

Yesterday was Gordons 1st luau.. it was Madison's 9th Birthday party and all the girls had on grass skirts and leys.. they looked so cute. Gordon wanted to be just like the other kids so he wore his hawaiian shirt. He enjoyed the music and was good the entire time.. he finally fell asleep in my arms but I know he hated missing anything, hes such a nosey one.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th!

I went to a friends house for a 4th of July bbq and we had a great time. The kids of course enjoyed themselves with all the sparklers and fireworks and the display the township put off was beautiful. They look cute here haming it up!

I finally wore Gordon in my snugli carrier and though he was facing the wrong way to see the fireworks he enjoyed the nap he had while it was going on. All that noise didn't even phase him. Its so cute looking down at him and seeing his big eyes looking up at me.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Time for shots!

Today was shot day at the doctors.. I told Gordon this morning what he was in for.. I told him I too wasn't happy about it and that I was sorry but it would only hurt for a minute. He did cry when he received his shots but he stopped right after.. hes been sleeping more then usual today but we'll see what the night holds for us later.

He is now 11 lbs, 24 inches long and his head circumference is 40 cm. He currently eats 5 ounces every 4 hours but we're moving him to 6 ounces tomorrow.. he is getting hungry around 3 hours and the doctor says he must metabolise it fast and its ok to move him up.

As you can see from his picture he is getting really good at getting his hand in his mouth.. he such a sweetie!

2 months old!

Its so hard to believe my baby is 2 months old already... I can't get over how fast time is flying. We went to WestmorelandArts & Heritage Festival with my mum, sister and nephew.. we had a great time. Gordon was so good and road in his baby buggy upright for the first time.

We saw some adoreable little baby hawks at the birds of prey display and a funny looking man walking around on stilts. The food was great and it was a nice sunny windy day.. perfect because Gordon wasn't too hot or too cold.

Best of all though was the Geico gecko, the booth had a blinko game and you won prizes.. we got a free tshirt and bag.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Cooking out

Yesterday was a great day for a cookout! We decided to have our friends Nicole and Brian and their daughters Ali and Marissa over to cookout and have a fire. It was a beautiful day in the 70's and it was nice to have company. We didn't have anything fancy.. just hamburgers, hotdogs, and brats with calico beans and fries. My sister and Dylan also came and the kids had a great time playing together. I am sure they fell asleep in the car on the way home.

I figured they had to be tired and Gordon certainly was.. he went to bed at midnight and slept till 7 am... gotta love that! He just keeps getting easier and easier and hes so darling. He really enjoyed all the company and people holding him. Here he is chewing on his favorite thing.