Sunday, May 25, 2008

He look so different in every one!

It amazes me how different Gordon looks in pictures.. I call this one here the uni brow picture. I am so glad hes not a girl.. look at all the plucking that would be necessary.
ah and this one.. my sweet baby after he took a bath.. he looks so much chubbier and his hair has gone wild!
Now theres nothing greater then a Nascar baby! He stole Daddy's hat and loves to walk around with it on.. when it falls off he cries for his hat back.
and lastly just a funny picture I took of the 2 of us together... I still can't get over how much I love that little face of his.. what did I ever do before he came into my life? I just don't remember.

Party Time!

Gordon had a great birthday party. He won't have such a big party next year but being his first we wanted to have his family and extended family there to celebrate. We had terrible weather but at least the house was big enough to hold everyone. He really seemed to enjoy his cake.. though I admit I didn't let him eat that entire splash cake.. I didn't want him getting sick later. I am sure with the second child I"ll let them have the entire thing.

Heres Gordon with his Auntie Lea Lea and his cousin Dylan. He loves them both so much. Our Leanne looks great doesn't she? shes down 71 lbs since her gastric bypass.

Heres one of Gordon and myself waiting for the guests to arrive.. I thought it'd be cute if we all wore checked shirts to match the farm theme. I know I"m a dork.. but you already knew that!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Gordons One!

Its hard to believe my baby is 1 year old already. I don't know where the time went.. but I wish I could get it back. I love watching him grown and change and though he takes my every free minute I wouldn't change it for the world. Here he is having his birthday pancake in the morning.

We got him a cupcake for his birthday since his party is later.. he didn't know what to do at first..

But as you can see he definitely figured it out! I guess he loves the icing just like his Mum!

Happy 1st Birthday Gordon!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm a bad blogger.. and our happenings!

I know I'm a bad blogger and I promise to try and do better.. just a lots been happening here at our house. We lost Jeff's Gram in February and at the same time found a house to buy so that has us busy packing.

Here is Jeff's gram Marie holding Gordon when he was 3 days old.. she had heart trouble even then and we went straight from Magee to make sure she got to see him. We have some very nice keepsakes that she made to show Gordon when hes older.
Here is our new house! Jeff is away for 2 weeks but we've been moving boxes and packing as much as possible.. the big move is on the 13th! We can't wait.

Gordon had a great easter and he got a soccer ball.. who knows maybe that will be his sport when he gets bigger. Heres some other Easter pictures.

Friday, February 29, 2008

February in Pictures!

So I know I"m a slacker.. its been a crazy month. I"m going to be an Aunt to twins.. who knew!
I was house shopping and found the house.. so moving is on its way. My sister had the gastric bypass and lets think.. if anything else happened... I"m not sure as its all a blur but here are some pictures from the month of February.

Gordon learned to stand and loves playing in his new corral above .. hes safe away from doggie when we leave the room.. u just never know with Chalupa!

I also think its time for Gordons first hair cut. I hate to see my baby lose his baby hair but its definately getting too long.. time for an appointment with Nina.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Moms Night Out!

OK what do you get when you take about 9 Moms out for dinner and a little drinking.. CRAZINESS! We went to Rodneys and had a blast. It was nice to go out with the babies and chat and enjoy ourselves. The food was great also.. I should NOT of had that dessert but it was so yummy.

Heres two of my lovely Mom friends.. Candice and Tami. It was great chatting with them at dinner.. now if only Tami wouldn't of left so early. Hopefully we'll do this again.

Pajama Party!

Here Gordon and I are all dressed up for a pj party at Gina's house. Gordon ended up staying home.. he had a bit of a cold but it was fun to dress up in our racing pajamas. I of course had on Gordon pj's.. but Gordon has gotten so big he outgrew his and had to wear Cars.

Heres a picture of Gina and Giovanni.. he is such a cutie pie and Gina is definately a mom doing it all! We're so glad to have met them.

A tooth picture!

I am thrilled to say we finally have a picture of Gordons teeth!.. he ended up getting another one Christmas night.. that Santa is a sneaky little guy. Here is his 2 little teeth. I always thought him getting teeth would upset me.. u know the whole hes growing up so fast thing.. but I love it. I love watching him grow and change and I still can't believe how lucky I am to have him.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Heres our baby new year! Thank goodness he lets me torture him with these silly pictures!

Here he is after the party!

Gordon gets sick

On December 28th my baby got sick. He was throwing up everything. It lasted 2 days and was the worst feeling I've ever had. He would cry then I would cry.

Here he is having a popsicle. He wasn't taking anything, he hated pedialyte so the nurse said almost anything was good to try. We were just worried he'd get dehydrated.

We were so thrilled after 2 days when he was able to hold down his formula again. Here he is being held by Daddy. He got spoiled being held so much while sick but we didn't mind.

Gordons 1st Christmas!

Here he is opening his first gift from Santa!

We all had a wonderful Christmas. I almost couldn't find this $5 bib that I had to buy for my baby, somehow it got lost in the laundry. We went to Gram and Pap Howards house in the morning and Gordon had a great time opening gifts and he even took an hour nap.

Here he is opening some more gifts and wondering. "who put this silly bow on my head?"

He has teeth!

You can't see them but there's a tooth there. December 14th Gordon got his first tooth.. its in the front and it came kind of quietly. I was thrilled of that but I found out later that the rest are going to be quite a challenge.

His second tooth came on December 25th at bedtime and Gordon definately let us know it was cutting through. Two down and alot more to go! As soon as he lets us get a good picture we'll be sure to share it with you.