Monday, December 17, 2007

Holiday Pictures

Its a busy time here at our house so I thought I'd just show you a few holiday pictures.

Heres Gordon loving his tree!

Heres one we used on the Christmas card.. he could totally be a girl with those lashes!

I think he looks like he might be able to get in trouble soon in this picture.

Gordon likes Santa!

I was so excited to take Gordon to see his very first Santa. I could kick myself now for not video taping it.. but thats totally like me to forget. We went early so we wouldn't have to wait in line and took him to Monroeville mall. We were so pleased with how great the Santa looked and Gordon didn't cry. I wished he'd of smiled better but ooo well!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Our Little Turkey!

We had a very nice Thanksgiving.. it was a little hectic as all holidays are but I was happy to eat eat eat.. having just finished a way too long diet. Jeff pulled his back out a few days before the holiday so he ended up not working the night before so he was with us the entire day.

Gordon loved seeing everyone and getting passed around all day. He didn't have any turkey but he ate up his sweet potatoes. He was needless to say exhausted at the end of the day and cried at his Pap and Grams house or we would of stayed longer. Hes definately what we are thankful for this year and every year.

He says Da Da !

Thats right folks.. he says DA DA!.. not Ma Ma! but its ok I won't hold it against him. The funny thing is Jeff was trying to make him say ma ma.. I was trying to make him say Da Da.. it was bound to happen though as the da da is much easier to say. I told Gordon its perfectly ok with me.. just as long as he loves me the tiniest bit more then his Daddy : )

Thursday, November 29, 2007

November Happenings

Gordon and I took a massage class with my Moms group.. this was taken before hand.. he seemed to enjoy it. That didn't surprise me though as he likes his cream rub down after a bath.

Here he is enjoying his rub.

We also went to a party for Mickey was his birthday. We had a great time and thankfully Jeff was even able to come with us.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gordon the lizard boy!

Lately Gordons been into his tongue and I thought this was cute so I video taped him.. its getting harder and harder to catch him on camera.. he knows when I turn it on and tries to grab it.

1/2 way there!

Its so hard for me to believe that my baby is already 6 months old. We see him grow and change on a daily basis and though its wonderful its also a little sad. The time is going by way too fast and I am trying to cherish every moment of it.

Here he is on his 1 month picture to compare... oo so tiny! he went to the Dr's the other day.. hes 27 1/2 inches long.. 18 lbs 3 ounces and his head circumference is 43. The Dr. was pleased that hes chubbed up and his muslce tone is great.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wednesday night around 5:15 pm my Mindy passed on.. I took her to the vet to be put down. I loved her dearly. We went thru many things together.. my divorce and years alone .. she was always there for me.

About 6 years ago she had trouble with her knee.. I ended up at the specialist only to find out her hip was bad also.. so the hip was fixed first.. some thousand dollars later.. we went back for the knee.. turns out the dr. noticed her walk was weird.. it took him a few months to figure out she had a very rare disease.. 1 in a million. Its a collagen disorder and has a name but its so long and odd I can never remember it. Basically your body is held together by collagen and hers was breaking down. This means she didn't walk on her feet any longer but her ankles.. and then her knees.. her feet become floppy and had no strength. She did ok for herself though.. could only do the 2 steps on and off the porch.. had to be carried up a flight.. but her body just kept breaking down. Bad kidneys and an enlarged liver and abdomin. She as on meds and pee'd still on the floor. She finally kept getting a skin infection that her body couldn't quite get rid of and we had to have her tested for things, we worried the baby could catch something. It was another sign that her body couldn't fight any longer and we decided it was best to put her down before she went in pain.She went peacefully without even a fight when they had to prick her legs that were already sore. I miss her terribly but know it was best to let her go. She was my first furbaby and I had never gone thru this before. My heart goes out to anyone who has to lose their best friend.

I very much hope to see her there at the Rainbow Bridge.. I just know she'll be there waiting for me.

The Rainbow Bridgeinspired
by a Norse legend

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.Where the friends of man and woman do run,When their time on earth is over and done.For here, between this world and the next,Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.On this golden land, they wait and they play,Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.They romp through the grass, without even a care,Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.For just at that instant, their eyes have met;Together again, both person and pet.So they run to each other, these friends from long past,The time of their parting is over at last.The sadness they felt while they were apart,Has turned into joy once more in each heart.They embrace with a love that will last forever,And then, side-by-side, they cross over? together.

Thanks for reading about my Mindy.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Superman or the little chick?

We have 2 outfits for Gordon for Halloween... I was lucky and got them at yard sales while camping for a buck a piece. U can't beat that! I like the little chick more .. Jeff likes the Superman.

I of course got my way with this one and hes wearing the little chick for Halloween. I think it suits his happy personality and his sprout of hair on his head since he was born.


Leanne had to do rounds at the hospital on Sunday so I was watching Dylan, hes a total angel and no trouble.. and Gordon loves him too. Dylan is getting to an age where hes very helpful to me and likes to play with his cousin.

Here he is giving him a smooch.. it just melts my heart.

Gram and Pap came to visit!

Jeffs parents came to visit last weekend and we went to the Oaks for dinner, odd that we all chose fish.. but it was delicious.. especially my long island ice t! yumo!
Gordon had a nice time with his grandparents and thought he was a cutie in his pumpkin outfit.. hopefully we'll be able to go over and visit them soon.

Sweet Potato Man!

I was excited to give Gordon his first vegetable.. we chose sweet potato and he loved it. He sort of looked at me weird at first but then he started liking it. So far hes also had green beans and squash.. no complaints so far.. tomorrow here we come bananas!

He's also enjoying his flying practice lately.. now if only we could get him to put those arms down and push up more often.. but I am sure he'll figure it out sooner then later.

Apple Fest!

We went camping with my parents the first weekend in October for the annual Franklin Apple Festival.. its always a great time and Gordon wanted to look especially nice for the ladies.

We also got to see this really neat bee hive at one of the displays.. it was very fitting as theres always a ton of bees at the Apple Festival..they are out looking for their last bit of summer.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

This weeks happenings

Last Sunday we had a yard sale.. boy is that hard with a baby. My Mum and sister came to help as Jeff was working the night before and had to come home to sleep. We did ok.. made about $116.00. We let Gordon keep the cash for his bank account. I decided I won't be having another yard sale until we move in a few years.

I finally was able to get my hair cut this week. It was getting so long and theres nothing greater then a fresh cut. Here I am giving my sweet baby kisses.

Gordons been playing and doing time on his mat and he just loves playing with his feet and taking off his socks. He is always trying to eat them. We've also been working on the cereal.. he liked it at first then he just cried when we tried to feed him but thankfully hes liking it again and I think for good now.

I also joined a Moms group recently and went today for a meeting at Starbucks.. it was hard to order as I don't drink coffee and I am on a diet but I had a chai tea with nonfat milk and it was very good.. I didn't know it'd be spicy. I had a good time and got to meet some new people with kids Gordons age so that was great. I was also happy to pick up the new Rascal Flatts cd on Tuesday.. Gordon seems to like it also.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our First Cereal

Its been a fun week for us. Gordon has been doing many new things daily.. hes getting better at his saucer and actually plays with the toys.

He had his first cereal.. he did really well with it.. if only that tongue would relax a little and let that food in some more, practice makes perfect so we'll just keep giving it to him.

We're also teething so we're a bit fussy and I think hes going thru a growth spurt. He has gotten up in the middle of the night to feed this week a few times and he hasn't done that in 2 months.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I love this face

I took this picture yesterday of Gordon on the porch.. the lighting was so great and I realise every day just how lucky I am. Hes growing and learning so fast that its hard to take it all in and enjoy it. I wish I could make time stop.

He is now holding his own bottle when hes 1/2 way thru. He is starting to wiggle his legs and hike up his butt.. I see crawling coming way too soon. I found a bump in his mouth.. a tooth is about to appear. Where did the first 3 months go.. and how can I keep my baby a baby?

All these events make me happy and sad.. hes learning and reaching milestones which is wonderful but I want to keep him tiny and my baby. I do long for the day when he can call me mum and give me a kiss.. I have a feeling it'll be here all too soon.

Monday, September 3, 2007


OK Ok so I might be the only one thinking that but my man is now HOT and SEXY... but especially OLD! Jeff turned 40 on the 1st and had a total of 3 cakes.. the one I bought him was small so no picture but heres the other 2. He seriously needed to smile in that picture.. but its his rough look!

His Mom surprised him at Aunt Joans picnic with this one.. it was yummy! and I know he loved that everyone knew it was his birthday.

This one we had at my Mums when we celebrated her birthday too.. its on the 8th.. we won't broadcast her age but she definately over 40! Here she is with her new Vera Bradley purse that my sister bought her.

Holiday Weekend

I sit here today trying to remember what in the world did I do this week! Honestly its all a blur sometimes.. I need to jot things down so I can remember for this blog. I know we went to the vet on Wednesday.. couldn't forget that.. it cost over $200. We were thinking of putting Mindy down but its not come to that yet.. but its in the back of my mind and I just can't bear to do it yet. I took a picture of her before we left just in case.

Friday I took Jeff to Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.. he had a 16 ounce steak and was pretty full afterwards. I bought him some Jeff Gordon gifts and he was a happy camper.

Saturday was of course special as Nicole and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert. We had a great time. Its becoming a summer ritual to go see the Flatts on Labor Day weekend. Here we are in our Send me Back stage t shirts.. however they didn't pick us!

Sunday we went to Aunt Joans picnic.. its always a good time..this year it was a low turn out though so a low key picnic but still fun.. Heres a few pictures of us there.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Saturday!

It was a very HOT but pretty Saturday here and I wanted to go visit my friend Aggie. I hardly get to visit or chat with her since G and thought it'd be a good day to visit. She looked wonderful and just had her other cataract done. She can now see all my flaws! G loved her too and did all his tricks for her. Heres the two of them together.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Daddy goes shopping!

Turns out house husbands get bored too! Jeff watches Gordon 4 days a week and he was feeling cooped up so off to Kmart they went. He bought G a very cute Halloween bib... I can't believe its going to be Halloween soon! Thankfully we already have 3 costumes. He was a little nervous driving with him alone in the car.. I said honey I do it all the time. I told him he can't go out anymore though.. he spent $40! and at kmart thats unusual.

Heres another great picture Jeff took of Gordon with Angel.. so cute.. and Angel is usually afraid of G and doesn't get so close.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gordon Rolling

heres a video of Gordon rolling.. hes so good at it now!

Where to being!

oooo my where do I begin! I am overwhelmed and so behind that I don't even remember what happened this week in my life. I do know it was hectic.. Jeff had to be off for reserves so he worked during the week. That isn't so bad except I have to take G to my Mums 3 days and get up at 530 each day.. lets just say I was tired and glad to see the weekend get here.

Since Gordon has been rolling over and just recently started doing so in the crib we started using our positioner.. no idea why though as he gets himself out of it every time.

Mindy thinks this play mat is for her and I am constantly trying to pick it up one handed while holding the baby.. I guess this time I forgot! She does however look so cute all stretched out on it. Jeff would be mad if he saw this.. shush.. we won't tell him!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birthday Party!

Gordon and I went to Marissa's birthday party on Friday.. she turned 6! Amazing how fast they grow. She'll be in 1st grade this year. I am sure the time will fly by that fast with G also. Gordon had a good time and everyone was holding him. Jeff had to work so he couldn't be there. She had a sponge bob cake and got some cool gifts. I think she loved her skate board the most from her parents.

Say Cheese!

Gordon went for his 3 month pictures on Wednesday at Target. It was during a big thunderstorm and we were glad the power didn't go out when they were taking them. He did really well but since hes small theres not much they can do. The power did go out after while we were ordering them which slowed everything down. The girl working there didn't know how to fix the computer so it took about 25 minutes longer then it would have. We also had no idea we'd end up spending so much! We went in there with a coupon for $7.99 and spent $126! Talk about insanity.. but his pictures were so cute and we wanted the extras. He wore this outfit for his pictures and looked so cute.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gordon and Uncle Lane

Today was my brothers 41st birthday. We went out to Max n Ermas and ate and then back to my Mums for cake. It was yummy but now I am so full. Believe it or not Uncle Lane had never held Gordon until tonight. Its that man being afraid to hold a tiny baby thing I guess. Heres a picture of them together.