Sunday, September 30, 2007

This weeks happenings

Last Sunday we had a yard sale.. boy is that hard with a baby. My Mum and sister came to help as Jeff was working the night before and had to come home to sleep. We did ok.. made about $116.00. We let Gordon keep the cash for his bank account. I decided I won't be having another yard sale until we move in a few years.

I finally was able to get my hair cut this week. It was getting so long and theres nothing greater then a fresh cut. Here I am giving my sweet baby kisses.

Gordons been playing and doing time on his mat and he just loves playing with his feet and taking off his socks. He is always trying to eat them. We've also been working on the cereal.. he liked it at first then he just cried when we tried to feed him but thankfully hes liking it again and I think for good now.

I also joined a Moms group recently and went today for a meeting at Starbucks.. it was hard to order as I don't drink coffee and I am on a diet but I had a chai tea with nonfat milk and it was very good.. I didn't know it'd be spicy. I had a good time and got to meet some new people with kids Gordons age so that was great. I was also happy to pick up the new Rascal Flatts cd on Tuesday.. Gordon seems to like it also.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Our First Cereal

Its been a fun week for us. Gordon has been doing many new things daily.. hes getting better at his saucer and actually plays with the toys.

He had his first cereal.. he did really well with it.. if only that tongue would relax a little and let that food in some more, practice makes perfect so we'll just keep giving it to him.

We're also teething so we're a bit fussy and I think hes going thru a growth spurt. He has gotten up in the middle of the night to feed this week a few times and he hasn't done that in 2 months.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I love this face

I took this picture yesterday of Gordon on the porch.. the lighting was so great and I realise every day just how lucky I am. Hes growing and learning so fast that its hard to take it all in and enjoy it. I wish I could make time stop.

He is now holding his own bottle when hes 1/2 way thru. He is starting to wiggle his legs and hike up his butt.. I see crawling coming way too soon. I found a bump in his mouth.. a tooth is about to appear. Where did the first 3 months go.. and how can I keep my baby a baby?

All these events make me happy and sad.. hes learning and reaching milestones which is wonderful but I want to keep him tiny and my baby. I do long for the day when he can call me mum and give me a kiss.. I have a feeling it'll be here all too soon.

Monday, September 3, 2007


OK Ok so I might be the only one thinking that but my man is now HOT and SEXY... but especially OLD! Jeff turned 40 on the 1st and had a total of 3 cakes.. the one I bought him was small so no picture but heres the other 2. He seriously needed to smile in that picture.. but its his rough look!

His Mom surprised him at Aunt Joans picnic with this one.. it was yummy! and I know he loved that everyone knew it was his birthday.

This one we had at my Mums when we celebrated her birthday too.. its on the 8th.. we won't broadcast her age but she definately over 40! Here she is with her new Vera Bradley purse that my sister bought her.

Holiday Weekend

I sit here today trying to remember what in the world did I do this week! Honestly its all a blur sometimes.. I need to jot things down so I can remember for this blog. I know we went to the vet on Wednesday.. couldn't forget that.. it cost over $200. We were thinking of putting Mindy down but its not come to that yet.. but its in the back of my mind and I just can't bear to do it yet. I took a picture of her before we left just in case.

Friday I took Jeff to Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.. he had a 16 ounce steak and was pretty full afterwards. I bought him some Jeff Gordon gifts and he was a happy camper.

Saturday was of course special as Nicole and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert. We had a great time. Its becoming a summer ritual to go see the Flatts on Labor Day weekend. Here we are in our Send me Back stage t shirts.. however they didn't pick us!

Sunday we went to Aunt Joans picnic.. its always a good time..this year it was a low turn out though so a low key picnic but still fun.. Heres a few pictures of us there.