Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Zucchini Day!

Today was zucchini day here at our house. I was lucky to score some from a few of my friends.. 11 in total! I gave 2 away to my neighbor who was thrilled to get them. She was going to stuff them for dinner. I had a plan.. bake until I couldn't take it anymore! I was up early feeding Gordon so I just stayed up and got to baking, shredding and peeling!

So after standing for about 5 1/2 hours I baked about 14 loaves of zucchini bread. Some regular with cinnamon.. some with pineapple and also chocolate ones. Needless to say I am tired.. but I still have about 6 zucchinis left! I hope to bake more on the weekend and shred some up for the freezer to bake later. Gordon was great the entire time.. thankfully Jeff was home to help with him while I baked.


bethany said...

Those are some nice looking zucchini!! :) I should get some, too, because I've been itching for some zucchini bread.

Kacey said...

Golly, Lynette---are you feeding an army? It just reminds me that I need to start on all the breads for the freezer. Also, I need to mix up my sourdough starter --- it takes 23 days before you can feed it and start on the course of baking Amish Bread every ten days. Gordon is turning into a cute little guy--- everything moves too fast once they are in this world! Nice pictures and nice blog. ~~Noot~~