Sunday, September 30, 2007

This weeks happenings

Last Sunday we had a yard sale.. boy is that hard with a baby. My Mum and sister came to help as Jeff was working the night before and had to come home to sleep. We did ok.. made about $116.00. We let Gordon keep the cash for his bank account. I decided I won't be having another yard sale until we move in a few years.

I finally was able to get my hair cut this week. It was getting so long and theres nothing greater then a fresh cut. Here I am giving my sweet baby kisses.

Gordons been playing and doing time on his mat and he just loves playing with his feet and taking off his socks. He is always trying to eat them. We've also been working on the cereal.. he liked it at first then he just cried when we tried to feed him but thankfully hes liking it again and I think for good now.

I also joined a Moms group recently and went today for a meeting at Starbucks.. it was hard to order as I don't drink coffee and I am on a diet but I had a chai tea with nonfat milk and it was very good.. I didn't know it'd be spicy. I had a good time and got to meet some new people with kids Gordons age so that was great. I was also happy to pick up the new Rascal Flatts cd on Tuesday.. Gordon seems to like it also.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you smooching him!