Monday, September 3, 2007

Holiday Weekend

I sit here today trying to remember what in the world did I do this week! Honestly its all a blur sometimes.. I need to jot things down so I can remember for this blog. I know we went to the vet on Wednesday.. couldn't forget that.. it cost over $200. We were thinking of putting Mindy down but its not come to that yet.. but its in the back of my mind and I just can't bear to do it yet. I took a picture of her before we left just in case.

Friday I took Jeff to Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.. he had a 16 ounce steak and was pretty full afterwards. I bought him some Jeff Gordon gifts and he was a happy camper.

Saturday was of course special as Nicole and I went to the Rascal Flatts concert. We had a great time. Its becoming a summer ritual to go see the Flatts on Labor Day weekend. Here we are in our Send me Back stage t shirts.. however they didn't pick us!

Sunday we went to Aunt Joans picnic.. its always a good time..this year it was a low turn out though so a low key picnic but still fun.. Heres a few pictures of us there.

1 comment:

Mine & Beth's Creations said...

Just stopping by to say hey and look in to the Tara thing! Oh, It is Beth (jakesmom) by the way!